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Sunday, May 31, 2020

My book, a labor of love.

I confess, I love cooking, cooking healthy tasty food. I remember when I was maybe 16 years old, I was very athletic, waking up early and walk to my sport-club near my house, I loved that walk specially walking by this super cool natural restaurant named Nectar. There was something about the fresh aroma coming out of that small charming place in the early mornings that I got hooked. Something happened, I believe G-d introduced me to my passion, healthy natural foods.I didn't know what to do, I wanted to eat that kind of food everyday, learn to cook the type of food they were cooking in that restaurant, fresh, vibrant, cooked, raw, whatever that was, I wanted it.
One morning I decided to walk in and order a lemonade just to observe the place and of course... the menu. Keep in mind that I was young, a student, no income just a little money my mom used to give me to buy a smoothie at the club. So I ordered a lemonade, the waiter asked me if I would like to order anything else, I told him I was not sure but I would like to take a look at the menu, boy I am glad I did! I studied that menu like if I was studying for a test in school. I noticed there was no white rice just brown rice, lots of grains, ginger, all sort of amazing salads and dressings, well the rest is history. 
Years later I found myself cooking for my friends at dinners and parties, they just love my way to cook, Brazilian, Mexican, Middle Eastern dishes, my food, my recipes. They were asking me for my recipes and I shared with them, writing recipes by email sending to them every time they asked me for. One day after some twenty years of cooking and sharing my recipes I decided to put all together in a book or at least the most successful ones. How am I going to write and self publish a book? Well, I did, with the help of G-d I did it. I wanted the pictures of my recipes on the left page, the recipes on the right, yes every dish with pictures just the it supposed to be. A photographer? Yes, I was the one taking the pictures of the final results at my kitchen, in a specific time of the day because of the natural light coming from my kitchen's window. I prepared my meal and before eating it I took a number of pictures of the dish (I was going to have for lunch). My everyday lunch I cooked was going to be photographed and edited at the same day. It took me one year to put my book together on my own from cover to cover page by page, some days of frustration, some days of joy, it was a challenge writing a book for the first time but worth it every drop of sweat, recipes are gluten free, some vegan, some vegetarian, some keto, all very healthy, tasty and of course...easy,  a true labor of love.

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