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Why Gluten Free.

Becoming Gluten Free

Few years ago I was suffering from joint pain, something wasn’t right, even my digestive system was not normal. As I was searching the internet to find out what could possibly be the cause for all these symptoms, I saw a video of a marathoner who had to quit his running life style due to joint pain. Then he gave his testimony. He actually quit gluten and never had a joint pain ever again. He was feeling awesome and even his digestive system was better than before. So I gave it a try and the marathoner was right, all pain gone, digestive system better than ever, so I became gluten free. Now it was a perfect time to recreate my recipes, then I decided to select some of my favorites and bundle them into a book to share my every day gluten free with you, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Cooking gluten free is not a challenge, what challenges me is getting the right products and that includes no GMO (Genetic modified organisms). I believe that gluten free products is not enough if it contains GMO, so I try to avoid it as much as I can. Let’s try GNO (Gluten Free, No GMO, Organic). I’m not okay with eating chemicals just as much as I avoid gluten. People who eat gluten free are diligent label readers. In the process of becoming sharp label readers, we learn more and more about the food supply.

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